Monday, July 27, 2015

OreIda Easy Fries are for mom's on the go who need good tasting fries in minutes

Microwave fries! Who microwaves fries? OreIda does, that's who and apparently so do I. Normally I wouldn't be caught dead microwaving fries. I mean every time I have cooked french fries for my children I have put them in the oven and waited the 20-30 minutes for them to be done. But the waiting is over. OreIda Easy fries are done by the time it would take you to pre-heat the oven. To make things even better they taste great when you take them out. Now I did get a coupon for free to give these a try, but I am so glad I did. Mom's on the run can't wait for oven's to pre-heat and cook french fries. We need to pop in a box of Ore-Ida Easy Fries feed our children and get to soccer practice. I am now a believer in Microwave fries. Not all the time- because all that microwaving stuff can't be good for us... but when I am in a hurry you better believe I will have boxes of these fries in the freezer ready to go.  Just think what Mrs. Cleaver would do. She would be jumping for joy right now. I mean first of all to have a microwave during her time would be fascinating, and then to see it cook fries in just minutes. Ah... that's just more time to spend with Wally and the Beave.


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